VFX Artist / 3D Generalist / UIUX / Graphic Design
VFX DemoReel
VFX & Animation
UI/UX & Game Design
Title Sequence :
Design a conceptually relevant title sequence to capture the mood for the film, while alluding to the events, characters, or climax of the movie. I 2023 I 14 Weeks
Project Brief :
The movie I chose was on of my favorite: INTERSTELLAR. I wanted to recreate the film's unique portrayal of the universe using daily objects around me, including some of the memorable scenes in the movie, such as the rocket launch or the cruise through space.
The solution was to combine landscape captures,
photography and stylized animation.
I am happy with the outcome of this project. The abstract macro photography was edited to successfully represent vision of the universe. The hand-drawn styles also adds to the texture of the video. Although the title sequence is short, it captures similar emotions as the film.
Take a guess what objects are represented in the sequence.
Disciplines :
Instructor :
Recognition :
Motion Graphics and Animation
Visual Storytelling
Ryan Russell
Graphis New Talent Awards 2023
Silver Award
Macro, light and shadow, colors.
I want to use macro photography with everyday objects to recreate the wonder, abstraction, and beauty of the universe.
These were accomplished using two lights and a bubble bath ball.
The rocket launch is a pivotal scene in Interstellar. I integrated two live-action videos and added sound effects to replicate the rocket launch process.
A scene shot through the peephole of a door looks like a gigantic planet gradually receding into the distance.
The texture of a stainless steel soup pot, combined with lighting, resembles a black hole surrounded by a meteor belt.