Animation Production :
Collaborated in a team of six to create a panoramic stereo 3D short animation film, utilizing the CAVERN system at CMU ETC I 2024 I 14 Weeks
Project Brief :
This project leverages the CAVERN’s expansive 270-degree screen, paired with stereo glasses, to create an immersive environment where audiences can fully engage with the characters’ world.
Inspired by a given prompt, we crafted a stylized and vibrant world of imagination. By blending music and choreography, we delivered a compelling and emotionally resonant experience that goes beyond conventional animation formats.
Throughout the process, I gained invaluable experience in immersive animation production. My contributions, in chronological order, included creating the early animatic draft, selecting music, developing the motion capture character animation pipeline, designing layouts, animating environments, and contributing to lighting and VFX work. My teammates and I are truly proud of what we accomplished in just one short semester.
Kailun Deng
Sarah Wille
Zixuan He
Bonny Wang
Xun Zhang
▪ Full Animation
& Cavern Recording
▪ Interactive Format
▪ This is an ongoing test to display our animation in a YouTube 3D surround format with red-blue 3D functionality. A big thanks to Steve Audia for making this possible!
▪ You can drag around using the mouse and switch to 3D mode in the settings at the bottom right.